Obion County Board of Education
October 4, 2010

Agenda Item: VIII.G.

Consider/Approve Amendments to the School Federal Projects Budget

Background Information:

Two amendments to the 2010 – 2011 fiscal year budget for the School Federal Projects Fund are presented for the Board’s consideration:

  • IDEA Part B ARRA Carryover Subfund –This subfund budget has been amended to reflect the actual carryover amount. The budget amendment primarily reflects the addition of one (1) additional educational assistant, benefits, and increase in health insurance. The remainder of the amendment reflects an increase in contracts with private agencies and instructional supplies/materials and a decrease in tuition and indirect costs.
  • IDEA Part B Subfund –This subfund budget has been amended to reflect an increase in medical insurance line items and a decrease in instructional supplies/materials.
Only Board approval is necessary to amend the budget of the School Federal Projects Fund.


Staff Recommendation:

I recommend approval of the amendments to the 2010 – 2011 fiscal year budget for the School Federal Projects Fund.